iCreate - UK (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1

Google Maps

Share your Google

Maps location


lthough a good many Apple users will instinctively
reach for Apple Maps when seeking a destination,
Google Maps remains a great alternative,
particularly for local searches.
Indeed, one of its best functions is an easy ability to
share your location with others and have them reciprocate

  • perfect if you’re struggling to find your destination since
    it allows others to spot where you may be going wrong.
    It also gives your contacts a good idea of when you’re
    likely to arrive.
    Since it works with Android as well as iOS, it should
    allow you to share access with practically anybody who
    owns a smartphone. In all cases, you can control how
    long someone can track you for and instantly see who has
    access. Your contacts don’t necessarily need a Google
    account either.

Need others to keep an eye on your journey’s
progress?Then share your whereabouts in real-time

Step-by-step Allow others to locate you


Launch Google Maps
Open the Google Maps app on your
iPhone or iPad and you should see a blue dot
representing your current location. Tapping this
shows a menu. Select ‘Share Your Location’.


Indicate a timeframe
Tell Google Maps how long you want to
share your real-time location for. Use the ‘–’
and ‘+’ buttons to set a period or tap ‘Until You
Turn This Off’ for an indefinite timeframe.


Select people
When you tap the ‘Select People’ option,
you can select contacts to share your location
with. Google Maps needs permission to
access your contacts so, if asked, tap ‘OK’.

Sharing your location in Google Maps has more benefits
than using the built-in Maps app on your iPhone...


Time needed

Google LLC
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