it easily. Swipe up to show the control panel. Tap the
Ping iPhone button and your iPhone will emit a sound
at fullvolume.TapandholdthePingiPhonebutton
and youriPhonewillalsoflash,makingiteasytofind
in thedark.
- Customize your workout displays
When you start a Workout on your Apple Watch,
it shows a series of stats such as heart rate, active
calories, duration, and so on. You can actually customize
and reorder this list for each individual type of workout.
In the Watch app on your iPhone, go to My Watch >
Workout > Workout View.
Tap on the workout you want
to edit from the list, and
tap Edit in the upper right.
You can add, remove, and
reorder the metrics that will
be displayed on your Apple
Watch during that workout.
Customize your
workout displays in
the iPhone Watch app