The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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GOOD PLACES TO TOUCH EARLY: .............................................................................................................

Hands: Hands are a good starting point for budding romantics. I will again caution that
many men try to hold hands far to early in the game. If you want to touch her hand, do the brief
touch (as described above) or try this: Get a book on palm reading. I recommend the one
published by DK, because it’s simple, short, informative, and has lots of pictures. Learn the
basics of how to tell fortunes by reading palms. This accomplishes several things. First, it gives
you a legitimate reason to touch her, even on the first date. Touching all these sensitive and
sensual zones on their hands is a fantastic opportunity. Second, remember from flirting, women
love any kind of fortune telling – horoscopes, tea leaves, you name it. You create a vivid and
intense moment when you can engage her on this level.

Forearm/upper arm: The inside of her forearm is very sensitive, and just a light touch
there in passing is more than adequate. Though, it may seem contrived to target her lower arm.
You’re more likely to touch her on her upper arm in passing.

Shoulders/Back: You can find many reasons to touch her on her shoulders or back,
such as in passing by in a room, or if you need to come up behind her and make her aware of
your presence.

Hips: Specifically, the area on her side, just above where her butt starts. I’d consider this
location to be more of an opportunity area than a place you can target, since you can get into
trouble here easily if you’re not careful. Ideally, you won’t touch her on her hips unless you are
dancing, or in a crowded room and need to pass by her.

Hair: Hair is a great place to focus, because women focus a lot of their attention there.
They want you to notice it. Again, if performed tastefully, touching her hair and commenting on
its softness/color/radiance/whatever can be a test to see if she’s comfortable with you. If you
reach (slowly) for her hair and feel it between your fingers for a second or two, and she doesn’t
flinch away, it’s a good sign that she’ll be ready for your kiss-close at the end of the date.

GOOD PLACES TO TOUCH A FEW DATES LATER: .........................................................................................

Back of neck: This is an erogenous zone for just about all the women I’ve known. It’s in
the area of the back of her head where their hair starts to thin out. If you’ve seen the movie
“Body Heat,” there’s a scene where Kathleen Turner holds her hair up and wipes the sweat from
the back of her neck, and the sight of it is extremely arousing to men. My theory is that this is
linked to how we were held as infants, and it promotes a sense of security and safety. Whatever
the reason, it seems to be universally erogenous.

Face: Brushing the back of your hand against her cheek is a bit corny, but any gentle
contact with her face is very charged. Use this sparingly, and with a strong gaze into her eyes,
and she’ll melt with you.

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