The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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Earlobes: Sure, it’s a cliché, but gently nibbling on her earlobes combined with a bit of
breathing in her ear is a great approach. (See the Whisper tactic below.) Sucking on the ear is
good, as well as licking the outside of the ear, and maybe even inside. But don’t leave a trail of
mucous behind like a slug; just moisten her up a little bit.

Lips: Lips on lips, the best of all touches. If you aren’t a good kisser (and if you don’t
know whether you are a good kisser, you aren’t – women always let good kissers know) get
some coaching. Nothing will get her tingling inside faster than a soulful kiss. You can also touch
her lips with your fingers, but I would avoid this until a few more dates down the road.

Feet: If you’re one of the five people who haven’t seen “Pulp Fiction,” you need to rent it
just for the discussion of foot massages. When John Travolta and Samuel Jackson discuss the
merits and dangers of giving a good foot rub, they hit it right on the money: Every foot massage
carries with it a truckload of suggestiveness. Rubbing her feet is a highly charged activity that no
one would deny is provocative, but it goes unspoken, and therein lays the beauty. Do it with oil
and she may beg you to move it on up. (I have to draw the line at applying toenail polish,
however. Let her go to her pedicure salon for that.)

OTHER AREAS.........................................................................................................................................

Massages in general should not be jumped into too early on in the dating continuum. I
know some guys that go straight for a massage angle and come across as too much like pick-
up artists. Be real. Women know what a massage can lead to. If you’re on the third date or later,
I’d say you might suggest a neck massage, but limit it to her neck and shoulders. You should
occasionally caress the neck zone I reference above, just don’t linger there. (If you get good,
she’ll always ask for more – and further.) Go for the massage exchange, if you can. It helps to
find out if she gives as good as she gets.

Another area of Kino that I mentioned above is the use of her ‘space.’ Don’t ignore the
fact that carefully intentioned explorations of her personal space can be just as intriguing as
actually touching her, and probably more so because it enhances the response potential.
One of the best is the whisper tactic. During a social gathering of some kind, if you can
find a good excuse to do so, lean in a bit and beckon her closer. Whisper something into her
ear. A conspiratorial tone serves to create a little moment between you, as well as getting her to
anticipate being closer to you.
You can also find other reasons to get closer, such as reaching for something that you
know will put you into her space. Again, be tasteful, not lewd with the way you handle these. Be
sure to say, “Pardon me.” (Note: Sticking your crotch out so her butt brushes you as she walks
by does not qualify as a smooth move, except in a drunken fraternity party. Well ... actually, not
even there.)

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