The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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What causes opponents to come of their own accord is the prospect of gain.
What discourages opponents from coming is the prospect of harm.

  • Sun Tzu

SCARCITY AND APPRECIATION..................................................................................................................

Human beings appreciate what is rare. Diamonds are worth money because they are
relatively rare, and it takes skill to turn one into a presentable ornament. Paintings by dead
artists are valuable because there will never be any more made by that person; there is a fixed
quantity of their work available. In essence:

We want what we cannot have.

Another important part of scarcity is the perception. If you have to work hard to get
something, it is appreciated more. Simply because if you can’t get it easily, it must be rare, and
therefore have value. Think of all those fad Christmas toys that sell out each year. Every parent
sells their eternal soul to get them for their kids, and the stores raise the prices accordingly.
You’re familiar with the “rich kid” syndrome. We’ll use Danny as an example. This is the
kid who was born into a family with money, and his parents gave him everything as a child
(probably under the misguided notion that they can give him a better childhood than theirs was
by spoiling him.) Danny gets a BMW for his eighteenth birthday and the car is always dirty and
never kept up, wrappers and trash everywhere. The oil is never changed, and the car never
gets a tune-up. He proceeds to wrap it around a telephone pole a few months after he gets it.
The whole time you shake your head at what an idiot he is.
Danny didn’t appreciate his car because it took no effort or work to get it or to keep it.
It’s the same thing for relationships and you, my friend. If you do not make yourself scarce
enough to the person you want, you will be taken for granted. It’s human nature, and you can’t
argue it away.
This is the entire psychology behind the female ploy of playing hard-to-get. It works, and
it works every time, as long as you don’t become so scarce that you disappear.
She has to feel lucky to get you. Perception of scarcity (and value) can be controlled,
and it’s up to you to control your perceived value in the stock market of dating. Here’s how:

Reduce your availability and Increase your perceived desirability:

  • Don’t answer the phone unless you need to. You’re too busy out dating, remember?

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