The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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  • You only have two times to offer each woman per week to be with you. If they want
    to be with you, they will make it work. (And if they don’t work, they aren’t interested
    enough. Why would you want to be with a woman who doesn’t want to be with you?)

  • Be sure to talk about other women you know and see. Some men think that a woman
    will hear this and get scared off. She’ll think, “Whoah! I better back out of this race;
    he’s already taken.” Totally and completely incorrect. She will find you more
    desirable because other women find you desirable.

  • I’ll restate that first rule of showbiz for you: Always leave them wanting more.
    o You must be the one to end the date early and say goodnight. When you hang
    around long enough that she has to tell you to go, you’ve already lost some of
    her interest. She goes from desire to withdrawal.
    o You must be the one to end the kisses first. When she has to pull away, you’ve
    started a process of her feeling the need to get away from you. If you end it first,
    she’ll want more, and think about getting more the whole time you’re apart.

  • Later, you will reduce your availability so that a woman can feel the ache of your
    absence. If she can’t miss you, she can’t want you very much, either.

You cannot appreciate that which you get for free. Your time, your energy, your entire
fantastic world must have a price for her to pay, or she will never adequately appreciate or
sense a threat of loss. What would it be like if the Olympics gave medals to everyone who
Also, resist the urge to reassure her when she seems uncertain. Men tend to
misinterpret a woman in the ecstasy of uncertainty as needing assurance that the man will be
there or is interested in her. The man then proceeds to tell her everything, hoping that if he
reassures her enough, she’ll fall in love. It works exactly in the opposite way.
Remember: The more you make things definite and certain for a woman, the less
mystery and wonder you leave her with, and you will reduce her attraction. Only an extremely
insecure woman needs to be reassured constantly.
Confidence kills excitement.

Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of formlessness and soundlessness.
Thereby you can be the director of the opponent’s fate.

  • Sun Tzu

FEMALE ATTRACTION...............................................................................................................................

Women feel attracted to men for reasons that are not logical. As the saying goes in
sales, buying decisions are made emotionally first, and then backed up with logic later. A

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