The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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share with you, if you’ll be a Self-confident man who can challenge them and raise their
attraction along the way. It’s their nurturing, loving way.
The Un-Stroked tend to be takers. They have a deficit, an emptiness in their love
battery that never quite gets charged. They go through the motions of relationships, knowing
that they have to give to get, but they never really have enough to spare. These gals are often in
therapy, healing past relationships and managing those anxieties from their past. They require a
lot of energy to keep happy.

Sometimes the Un-Stroked are just in a temporary slump, brought on by a bad
relationship. Every woman becomes Un-Stroked after a particularly difficult relationship they’ve
just been liberated from. They need to focus on themselves and rebuilding their very damaged
self-esteem. Stroked and Un-Stroked can also appear as phases that you’ll surely encounter a
woman in at some point.
The reason I point these differences to you is that the usual tactics can have misleading
affects on the Un-Stroked. They may act contrary to the norm. Taking a two-steps-forward /
one-step-back approach with them often only leaves them standing there, not taking a step back
toward you on their own. You’re left standing there, puzzled: Why isn’t this working? Because
these women are not capable of meeting you fairly on the battlefield of Love. They want you to
recharge them, and you may not have the power to do so. I used to wonder why my strategies
and tactics didn’t work on them, when it was because they are, for all intensive purposes, just a
little crazy. Hence, inconsistent and often contrary reactions will occur.

How do you react to these women?
Quite simply, you NEVER react to a woman. (Sorry, trick question.) Just be quiet and
listen enough at the start to understand which you’re dealing with. Listen close, my friend, for
the clues and the reality is usually hidden under many layers of fickle behavior and social
camouflage. It’s up to you to save yourself from a decision that will either make you very happy
or ... miserable and despairing.

POISONOUS WOMEN...............................................................................................................................

Women have faults. I know, I know, it’s hard to believe this when you meet a lady who is
so gorgeous she might be a divine entity, but you must try to keep women in perspective. They
are no better or worse than men. We just cover our eyes with daydreams and fantasies when
we first meet them. It’s only after we’ve been with one woman for a while, we start to see their
An important ability is to see through this blinding haze early on. I’m going to discuss the
harmful female personality types and how to recognize them early enough that you can do
something about it.

Unstable or Downright Crazy: This woman is an emotional train wreck, totally irrational
and looking to drag you down with her. You never know what her reaction will be, and you’re
always walking on eggshells. She’s capable of anything, and you’re afraid for your safety.

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