The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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The Me-monkey: This woman is truly in love with herself and believes that all men
should worship her. If you don’t worship her, she will be challenged, but only until she realizes
you won’t give her what she wants – blood sacrifices or a temple erected to her. Once that
realization hits her, you’re out.

  • She’s typically gorgeous – and she knows it

  • She pampers herself to the extreme

  • She doesn’t care at all about what’s going on with you and your life

  • Talks incessantly about herself and her friends

  • Superficial – to the extreme. Obsessed with image

  • Typically has poor relations with her mother

  • Can only function when she’s the center of attention and the focus

Insubstantial Woman: This gal is barely there. She cannot make any decisions for
herself, much less be a willing and capable participant in a relationship. At first, you’re drawn in
because she goes along with everything you want, perhaps even sex. Then you realize that
she’s got a passive-aggressive streak a mile wide. Some psychological circles call this a
borderline personality disorder.

  • Does everything you say

  • Ignores her needs – to the extreme

  • Codependent

  • Unhealthy closeness to her mother or father

  • Her emotions mirror your emotions. She can’t be in a good mood if you aren’t

  • Can’t stand up to you or anyone, but can use her passivity to manipulate you
    when necessary

Emotional Leech/Clingy-Needy Chick: This girl is sweet as peach cobbler, and you
think you’ve met a woman you can finally bond with at the cellular level. She seems to want to
jump in and not “play games.” You start out spending the first few weeks together, 24 hours a
day/7 days per week. You’re in sexual rapture, and it seems this girl is totally on your level. You
drop all your structure, defenses, and strategies and let her into your heart, your apartment, and
your world. Then, you start to feel a bit smothered. The air is tight, and you need a little space.
You suggest you both spend a day apart so you can get some chores done, but she’s wrapped
around you so tight you feel like Oprah in a wet suit. Your panic starts to hint at what’s to come.
This is often described as the “addictive” personality.

  • Calls you often

  • Close to her mother – to the extreme

  • Tendency to want to change things about you to prove that you belong to her.
    She’ll dress you up and try to inject her style into yours

  • Spends an inordinate amount of time at your apartment or house

  • Her emotions always seem to mirror your emotions

  • Excessively jealous

  • Places too much emphasis on work achievement for validation

  • In extreme cases she can be suicidal, or threatens self-harm or suicide as a
    manipulative trick

  • High potential for stalking

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