The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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The Narcissist: This woman believes on some level that the world is focused on her. A
common misperception is that a narcissistic person is merely vain and self-centered. This is not
always so, and in many cases the narcissist carries a lot of self-hate. The narcissist is extremely
paranoid about the image she presents to others, and fosters a preoccupation with herself. She
is defined by how other people see her.

  • She is extremely concerned with what other people think of her

  • Preoccupied with external validation and approval – requires excessive

  • Very internally focused

  • Cannot see other people’s points of view

  • Has boundary issues (See “Boundaries.”)

  • Has a highly underdeveloped sense of humor, especially unable to laugh at

  • Lack of empathy for others

  • Insecure and envious

  • Has a sense of entitlement

The Baby: This gal is unbelievably immature. While she has a freshness and vitality
about her, she acts like a spoiled brat much of the time, and her moments of lucidity are few and
far in between. It’s easy to be enamored of her playful behavior – at first.

  • She is very self-centered

  • Emotionally under-developed. She cries and throws tantrums, often breaking
    things she owns.

  • Insecure

  • Needs a lot of attention. Demonstrates a lot of “Look at me!” behavior

  • Poor decision-making. Spends all her discretionary income.

  • Careless and very forgetful

  • Is messy and disorganized at home

  • Impulsive behavior

All women possess some of these traits to some degree. There are also many that I
didn’t cover, like drug abusers and other non-desirables. It’s up to you to identify the problem
women from the rest and weed them out early enough to save yourself a lot of headache. As I
told you before, a great deal of your ability to keep a relationship going with a woman will
depend on your ability to cope with her problem behavior (and her coping with yours.) Choose

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