The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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CLOSING ..................................................................................................................................................

I encourage you to start to make your life a passionate adventure, right now. This very
We have no guarantees in life, and we don’t know what will come after this world, but we
still have right now. You’ll have plenty of time to rest when you’re horizontal in the ground. Do
you want to look back at the end of your life and regret all the things you did do, or the things
you didn’t?

Every man dies ... but not every man really lives.

Don’t follow the masses. Don’t do what everyone else is doing. Listen to your own heart.
Create a destiny for yourself in your own life. I decided that my legacy was going to be helping
others improve themselves and lead happier, more fulfilling lives through more knowledge about
male-female relationships. I took the time and energy to turn this goal into reality and bring it to
You’re capable of just as much, if not more.

The 80/20 Rule states that 80% of the results are achieved by 20% of the effort. In my
experience, it’s probably closer to 90/10. I’ve done my best in this book to explain all of that
critical ten percent as I understand it, as well as give you the best of the remaining ninety.
Remember that this rule reflects how people think and achieve, too. Ten percent (actually, much
fewer) will achieve great success with their goals in life than the other ninety percent combined.
Ten percent of the people will retire with enough money to live on their own.
Ten percent of the people achieve what others only dream about.
I’m confident that more than ten percent of the people who read this book will take the
information I’ve bestowed and own it. I wanted the man who read this book to be a different
person than when he first started it. What you do with this power is now up to you.

Let me ask you again:

How alive are you willing to be?

You only have a limited time here on this rock. After you’re gone, people may remember
you for who you were, but it’s much more likely they’ll remember you for what you did and the
people you made a difference to. It takes just as much energy to live a good life of risks and
adventure as it does to live one of quiet desperation. Guess which one leaves you smiling and
fulfilled at the end?

Life is either a great adventure, or nothing at all.
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