The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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 Do what’s right for you, because no one else will.

 Be mysterious. Be in demand. Be aloof. Be attentive. Be enigmatic. When she’s guessing, you’re safe.
When she thinks you’re safe, you’re dead.

 I have the supply -- she has the demand.

 Do not reverse-engineer your thinking, or get too caught up in the paralysis of analysis trap.

 Her level of interest and attraction is what needs to be increasing.

 Be mysterious by under-staying my welcome.

 If I can’t change it, I shouldn’t be thinking about it, unless I’m deciding to do something about it.

 Every woman is on a 90-day probation period.

 Treat them like you don’t like them, or like you’re already married. They will work for your approval.

 Love is like the free market; you don’t get what you deserve - only what you negotiate

 The only thing a woman is really interested in is the way the guy makes her feel!

 The more you put her on a pedestal early on, the more likely you are to lose her in the long run.

 Make no decisions while in an insecure mood. Wait until you have your attitude and power back.

 Make no assumptions or guesses about her world. Keep your focus local.

 Relax. Unclench your thoughts. Don’t guess what’s going on over in her space; you have NO idea.

 Look objectively at her behavior: Is she doing what she would be if she were interested or attracted to
you? If she wants something, she will do what is necessary to have it. Only her actions show how she
really feels toward you.

 If you’re thinking about what she’s thinking, you’ve lost control. Get it back!

 ACT. Don’t be acted upon.

 You can’t believe behavior or words as true indicators, unless they are consistent. Act on Principle, not

 Mentally accept the worst -- that you don’t have her at all -- and go from there. Let her go...

 Be thankful for what you have. Gratitude. You’ll never be happy with what you want until you’re happy
with what you already have.

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