The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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Women are not just attracted to a man’s physical appearance, even if they do help spark
initial interest. Good looking men actually have a tougher time than average looking men
because women have a heightened guard against the “players.” They have to overcome a lot of
the trust safeguards of a woman, since they do judge a book by its cover.
On the other hand, average looking guys can sneak in under their radar. If she starts out
with a large attraction for you, you have a buffer zone for screw-ups along the way. If she starts
out with just a little, she has a lot less forgiveness for lapses in your ability to communicate your
security and manhood. It’s a sliding scale in between, and it’s up to you to help cultivate it.

A woman’s attraction for you is summed up in one behavior:
Showing how little you are intimidated, by her or anyone.

Respect is something she desires from you. A woman never wants to feel subverted or
tricked, and they don’t want to be treated as prostitutes, or made to feel as if they are bad in any
way. It’s your job to treat her with respect. However, respect is also critical for you, too. Respect
is what you achieve through the effective presentation of yourself, and it’s the primary reason
that we’ll spend so much time on your inner game. You must establish the rules and the limits
here. If you develop and maintain the Three S’s that I will teach you, you will be able to keep her
respect. Without her respect, any relationship you have will be built on a cheap and shaky
foundation, and you will be miserable. She will also test you along the way, to see if you are
respect-able, and if you do not pass her tests, you will lose her respect. Once lost, respect can
almost never be regained. You must start out with a strict code that women must adhere to. If
she violates your rules, she loses. She’s out of the playoffs and out of your life. You do not
need a woman (or any person, for that matter) in your life that does not give you a proper
amount of respect. If you’ve ever observed a relationship where the woman is constantly putting
the man down or belittling him, you’ve seen the horrible situation I am trying to save you from.
The thing about respect is that you must behave like the man who deserves it. You are not
entitled to respect.

Remember: Women do not care how much you’re attracted to them. The only thing
that matters to them is how attracted they are to you. You can’t make a woman want you by
wanting her badly and then letting her know about it. It may be initially flattering to her, but it
does nothing to make her attraction mechanism kick in for you.
Don’t fall into this trap! It’s your job to behave in ways that women find attractive, not to
make them believe that you love them so much that they must date you. You cannot coerce a
woman into feeling attraction for you, no matter how many poems you write or stuffed animals
you give her. This is one of the big fallacies of romance that movies and television shove down
our throats.

BEHAVIORS THAT REDUCE ATTRACTION.....................................................................................................

You should be aware up front of the behaviors that men exhibit which turn off a woman’s
attraction mechanism. As we progress, you will be given alternatives to these behaviors and
ways to avoid demonstrating them.

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