The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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by Northwest” as he runs across country to discover why his life is in danger. And he
still finds the time to hook up with Eva Marie Saint on a train.

  • Humor: Cary has some of the best banter with his leading ladies, and he’s sharp and
    on the ball. He knows how to keep conversation crackling with fun and wit. And you
    sense that he’s not just reciting a script – this guy owns it.

There are others, to be sure. Clint Eastwood in most of his man-with-no-name westerns
comes to mind. Judd Nelson in “The Breakfast Club” shows just how calling a woman on her
behavior works. Tom Cruise in “Top Gun” is another excellent example, with his cocky attitude.
“Back to the Future” is another good case, almost deceivingly simple in its message.

The traits in common for these role models are fairly obvious, and they will be explained
in complete detail through this program. Of course, these role models should not be imitated;
they should be emulated. What this means is that you do not start ordering vodka martinis
(shaken or stirred), carry a Walther PPK sidearm, and wear tuxedos when you go bar-hopping.
You should seek to recognize the behaviors that these men exhibit, understand why they work,
and then use this essence for yourself. Own it. Use these traits to enhance your approach and
strengthen your foundation. Emulate the masters: James Dean, Sean Connery, Cary Grant,
John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Harrison Ford, etc. Yes, they were a bit sexist in their day, but
they displayed the stoic example of male posture: Their personas said they didn’t give a damn if
the woman they were with wanted them or not, and that is why they were admired by men and
women alike.

The traits that run contrary to the self-confident male qualities I’ve noted stand out in
stark comparison. I won’t cover them in detail, since we’re here to focus on what to do, not on
what not to do. Suffice to say that you should watch out for any actions that undermine a
presentation of cool calm confidence. The examples of anti-male role models are out there in
droves today. While I enjoy the television show “Scrubs” as a funny diversion, the men on that
show are a pitiful example of masculinity, openly backing down from any kind of confrontation
with a woman as if she owns their balls. They all act as though the scariest thing in their lives is
to stand up to disrespectful and demeaning behavior from the women in their lives. Any
entertainment that addresses women as superior by virtue of sexual power is a bad choice.

THE BIG RULE: DOW! (DATE OTHER WOMEN!) .........................................................................................

I choose to highlight this concept to you as being a priority in your dating adventures
because it is the single most important attitude influence you will encounter, and one that you
can totally control, if you so choose.
There seems to be a dynamic of expectations out there that has been driven by women,
and I want to clear this myth from our understanding. Stated simply: We believe that women
disapprove of men dating more than one person.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a man say something along the lines of:

  • I really like this one ...

  • I know she’s the one for me ...

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