The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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Sounds and Smells
I didn’t want to have to make a point of this area of hygiene, but it’s very important that
you be aware of more than just the visual and tactile parts of your appearance. Here are just a
few of the more unattractive sounds men make that decrease a woman’s attraction to them:

  • Snorting and other assorted throat noises. Keep these to a minimum, since they are
    easily controlled. Phlegm noises of any kind are repulsive to women.

  • Burping. Do not burp, not even at the most laid back party. If you have a need to
    release the pressure, excuse yourself and do it somewhere out of earshot.

  • Farting. Gosh, I wish I didn’t have to say this, but please don’t fart, guys. If you have
    a problem with gas, review your diet and consider a medicinal supplement to help
    you with your digestion.

  • Foot Odor: Change your socks frequently, and use the shoe deodorizers available.

  • Breath: As above, please do check your breath on occasion. If you lick your skin and
    smell your saliva, you’ve got a good idea as to whether your breath is good or bad.
    Carry breath mints (not gum) to use when needed.

The other nasty turn-off for women is the big B.O. Body odor is unattractive to all but the
women you might date in the underdeveloped countries of the world. Some men just don’t
shower enough, and some men can’t shower enough. Deodorant is a requirement for your
armpits. You should use antiperspirants if sweating is an issue for you. Do not try to cover up
your lack of cleanliness with a “gypsy bath,” meaning that you don’t use cologne or after-shave
to cover up your stinky body or clothes. I once worked with a guy who applied Brut to his clothes
each morning and smelled like he’d fallen out of a rotting pig carcass. I gently brought his
hygiene situation to his attention, but it is often a rare event that someone will tell you about it.
The topic is so uncomfortable, in fact, that many people would never tell you when your body
odor is strong, so you’ll have to monitor this closely yourself.
If you are going to use cologne or after-shave, be sure to use a high-quality scent. Try to
find something that suits you and is different enough to stand out. Most men use some variety of
the Calvin Klein brand, but there are many that are unique and appealing. Apply just enough to
give off a slight scent. This may take some trial and error. You want her to have to get nice and
close to you to smell your cologne, not running to get away from it.

Shoes and Clothes
Women pay attention to shoes. Let me repeat that: Women will notice your shoes. They
notice their own, and they notice yours. You don’t have to spend a fortune to get good shoes,
but you will have to pay more than $15 at the local Payless. Go to a discount store that sells
many of the brand names on sale. You can get a long-lasting pair of shoes for around $50 or so,
and they will do more to enhance your image than those ragged Hush Puppies you’ve had since
you were a kid. Keep your shoes shined and in good condition and you’ll avoid raising any red
flags with her. Keep your socks in good shape (no holes or tears) and matching. Memorize the
golden rules: Socks match your pant color, not the shoes, and the belt matches the shoes.
When it comes to clothes, keep it simple – especially if you don’t have any
understanding of fashion. You don’t have to be Mr. Armani to look decent, especially if you stick
to the basics. Remember: black is always good, just not too much or you’ll look like Johnny
Cash. Black makes you look slim, it’s always in, it’s hard to stain, and it goes with most

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