The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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everything. Go with subdued colors until you know which ones work for you. Again, the best
thing you can do is to find a woman to go shopping with you and help you pick out some
clothes, or get the sales gal to help you find a good look. (And don’t forget to get her phone
number, while you’re at it.)
Another part of your overall fashion appearance is to keep your lines clean. This means
that, aside from choosing a good fit from your clothes, you should keep the creases and
contours of your clothes smooth so that they look as if they fit well. Don’t carry large objects
(anything noticeable) in your pockets, like your cell phone, a pager, a Palm Pilot, whatever geek
toys you usually keep. Also, watch out for the Batman Syndrome, where you end up carrying all
this junk on your utility belt. Keep it all out of sight whenever possible. Women are not
impressed with or attracted to geeky-ness as much as you might think.
Take a good long look at that lumpy wallet you’ve been carrying around since the eighth
grade – you know, the one with the worn circle from where you keep that condom stowed away.
Traditional wallets, I must inform you, are for old married guys. Most men are carrying around
pictures, business cards, credit cards, driver’s license, fortunes from Chinese meals gone-by,
change, a few George Washingtons, and that worn out backup rubber. This amounts to about
three inches of lump in your ass pocket. Not attractive. My recommendation is to ditch your
beat-up lambskin tri-fold for a sleek billfold that holds only the essentials, and keep it in a front
jacket pocket where possible. I now carry one that holds my license in a see-through window, a
few credit cards, and a clip for money.
If you can afford to, use a dry cleaner where possible to handle your nicer clothes. An
added bonus is that when they launder your shirts, they’ll press them. I know how much guys
(and gals) hate to iron, and you can’t afford to run around looking like you fished that shirt from
the bottom of your laundry basket. Dry cleaners also provide repair services, so use them to re-
attach buttons, fix seams, etc.
Another tip for clothing care is to use only a small amount of detergent when you wash.
The smell of too much soap can be overwhelming. Also, the over-use of soaps will fade and
wear your clothes out early.
I have an easy formula for clothes that should help you build a simple, versatile, and
effective wardrobe:
Buy one pair of pants in navy blue, olive, tan, charcoal, and black. (5 Total)
Buy one black, one light or medium blue, and one shirt of a color that works for you. Buy
two white, long-sleeve dress shirts (Oxford pinpoint, button-down collar). (5 Total) Increase your
shirts as needed. These colors should give you a great deal of combining options. When you
can afford it, a sport coat or two should be added in to the mix, but in the meantime, a simple
black jacket will suffice.

Physical Fitness
You don’t have to have a muscle-bound body off of the latest issue of “Muscle-Boy” to
be appealing to a woman. (In fact, more women are turned off by heavily muscled physiques
than are turned on.) They prefer sleek and fit men, not Arnold-wannabes.
Every man should exercise regularly each week and demonstrate some care as to his
eating habits. I recommend a subscription to Men’s Health or a similar fitness magazine that
addresses all areas of health, from exercise to diet. A man with a “spare tire” around his middle
is not going to impress a woman. If you’re severely overweight, you will not only be limiting your
successes with women, but limiting your lifespan as well.

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