The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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I’m not here to preach good health to you. However, your physical fitness level is a very
obvious indicator of your attitude toward life and yourself, and women look to this to figure out
how you’ll treat them.

This is one that I left off the appearance list, but should be reflected upon. We live in a
time where most everyone within reach of a newspaper is now aware of the detrimental affects
of smoking. If you decide to smoke, that’s your choice, but keep in mind that our social attitude
is shifting with respect to where and when you smoke. In California, for instance, you are no
longer able to smoke indoors in public places, and New York is planning a ban on smoking in
restaurants. Others are sure to follow.
The Truth of the matter is that if you do smoke, you will be effectively limiting your pool
of available women drastically. A non-smoking man will appeal to almost any woman, whereas
a smoking man will be mostly attractive to smoking women. It’s your decision in the long run,
both for your health and your dating flexibility.

Posture and Presentation
There are many behavioral cues you can use to demonstrate self-confidence, style, and
sophistication. One of the examples we cited previously is James Bond. Watch Sean Connery
as he walks and moves in the older movies, or Pierce Brosnan most recently. They demonstrate
how a self-confident and self-disciplined man looks and moves.

  • Speak slowly and insert deliberate pauses: Don’t hurry your sentences along,
    inserting uhms and uhs everywhere. Take your time. You won’t seem stupid; you’ll
    seem thoughtful and mysterious. Pause between things you want to carry more
    emphasis. It’s not always what you say that’s important; it’s how you say it.

  • Walk with swagger and style: The way you move is a direct reflection of your
    personality. If you walk hunched over, avoiding people’s eyes, you appear unsure
    and insecure. You want to stand up straight, chest out, and with a quick but sure
    pace. Look like you’ve got someplace to be.

  • Use your hands and body as poetry: The way you gesture and move your body in
    general should be very loose and circular. Don’t move in jerky motions, like a
    nervous squirrel. When you reach for things, you move carefully and deliberately.
    Imagine that you have to act out a poem with your motions. Don’t overdo this and
    become a ballet dancer for her, just make your movements fluid and relaxed.

  • Stand Proud: Many men don’t have a very secure looking pose when they’re just
    standing. They tend to cross their arms most of the time, which everyone knows is
    closed body language. You should find a way to stand that suits you, yet feels
    attractive. As corny as they seem, the poses many men make on the covers of
    catalogs or GQ magazine are actually very confident and statuesque. Your ability to
    look calm and confident when standing still is important.

  • SMILE: Practice your smile in front of a mirror if you have to, but develop your ability
    to show a good smile. This one behavior says that you have a core of happiness
    more than anything else, and it will rub off on her. Smiling also says you’re secure
    with yourself, and you have a sense of humor.

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