The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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2. YOUR CAR............................................................................................................................................

Ah, your automobile. I can think of no better way to screw up a date than running out of
gas or having your car break down as you’re driving back to your place for drinks. Your car is
like a small microcosm of your home and your lifestyle, and it should be functioning, clean, and
ready for any of your plans.
You don’t have to drive a Ferrari to attract women. There are plenty of guys out there
with hot cars that think this is all they need to get laid. Almost every woman I have interviewed
has said that they think a man who is too much in love with his automobile is reflecting some
deep self-esteem issues. I would say they’re probably right. You should have some form of
transportation, but don’t get hung up on the fact that you’re driving a Ford Taurus instead of a
hot BMW. If the woman you’re seeing is turned off by the type of car you’re driving, you
probably need to dump her. (Unless it’s a Yugo.)
The rules about your car:

  • Keep your car running. As I said, you don’t need a hot sports car to get laid; you
    just need to keep what you have in good enough shape that it isn’t more of an
    embarrassment. Make sure the wipers and accessories function. Get a mirror for the
    passenger sun visor so she can primp her hair or apply makeup. Make sure the
    windows and door handles work on both sides. Loud mufflers are a big no-no. Make
    sure your spare tire is in good shape.

  • Keep your car clean: Keep it free of wrappers, and trash. Keep the outside clean. If
    the upholstery is torn, either repair it or cover it with seat covers. No junk or papers in
    the back seat that aren’t in some form of container. If you work from your car, you
    should keep things somewhat tidy or have a couple bags you can load your
    paraphernalia into and stow. Get the Jack-in-the-Box guy off your antenna (unless
    your car demands this kind of goofy accessory.) Get rid of obnoxious bumper
    stickers, as well as fuzzy dice. A car deodorizer is a good idea, but keep it out of
    sight, not dangling from the rear-view mirror.

  • Keep your car ready: You should have blankets for an improvisational picnic or
    night under the stars. Always have a spare condom hidden somewhere in case you
    need it. Keep breath mints in the console. Keep a good map on hand so you can find
    the places you want to go with her without wandering lost for hours. Keep some good
    music in the CD player, like Enya, Enigma, and Sade. Don’t play it too loud. And
    keep some tissues and napkins in the glove box.

3. YOUR HOME..........................................................................................................................................

Your apartment or house is an extension of your car, and probably the single most
accurate indicator of your personality. A woman will be looking at your place with an eye to what
it tells her about you. If it’s a mess, it shows that you’re not really willing to work too hard for her.

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