The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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THE DATING CONTINUUM........................................................................................................................

All the techniques and strategies that you employ in your quest, whether it’s for dating,
seduction, long-term relationships, or the big "M" (marriage) all exist on a continuum of
interaction. This continuum begins with the first time you interact with a particular woman (see
her across the room, bump into her at Starbucks), and ends with the dissolution of your
relationship (stop calling her, breakup, divorce), no matter how long a time this may be. (Maybe
even “‘til death do you part...”) It begins anew with every woman you meet.

It is important to understand the architecture of this continuum so that you employ the best
tactics at the right time. Something that works for you early on in your work with a woman will
not necessarily be as effective later on, as familiarity and complexity enter the picture.

For those of you unfamiliar with the terms, allow me to clarify “strategy” and “tactics” as
used here. Strategy is a systematic plan of action toward a goal. An example of a strategy
would be to date at least three women a week. A tactic is a specific action to achieve this goal.
An example would be going up to three women a day to talk with them.

This section will focus mostly on the strategies, yet both are necessary in your search.
Tactics are what you’ll get from regular interaction with women, working with a wingman, and
honing your craft. Tactical skills can be taught, but are best handled on a case-by-case basis.

PLANNING AND EXECUTION........................................................................................................................

In order to get what you want out of life, you’ve got to have a goal. Now, there’s more
than enough success literature out there to get you on the path (read Think and grow Rich by
Napoleon Hill, or Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins for a start.) I will only re-state
that you will drastically enhance your success in life if you would only write your goals down. If
there’s one thing you can do to improve your dating, it’s to sit down with a pen and paper and
write down the following (refer to the worksheet supplied with this book):

  • What kind of woman do you want?
    o Looks, education, disposition, hobbies, education, age, musical tastes,
    athleticism, smoker/non-smoker, etc. Be specific (and realistic.) Break these
    out into two categories – the MUST-haves, and the NICE-TO-haves. Knowing
    the difference is important, because there will always be differences, and
    knowing which ones are deal-breakers will be vital.

  • What will you do to find her?
    o Go to bars, learn how to talk confidently, get a wardrobe, clean up your
    appearance, ask five women a day for their phone number. You have to have
    a broad strategy or game plan to understand what effort will be necessary to
    get what you want. (Whatever your plan is to play the numbers – yes, dating

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