The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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The majority of people spend more time planning a vacation than they do planning their
lives or a simple path to a goal. Don’t be one of them. Think differently, for therein lays the
success you are looking for. Decide what is important to you in a woman.

THE THREE STAGES OF THE CONTINUUM....................................................................................................

The relationship continuum is broken up into three stages:

  • Meet: Finding the women you are interested in. Then introducing yourself to them.

  • Mate: Getting to know them enough to make a decision as to where this will go – or
    won’t go. Explore and decide.

  • Move on: If you want to stay with this one, great. If not, you have to move on and
    begin the process anew.

I’m sure this process could be broken down into a lot more intricate structure, but I want
this to be simple to understand and use. I will also assume that you will take on the brunt of
responsibility to be the kind of man who will have control of his relationships and not be
manipulated into tragic decisions. (Inner Game). I’ll advise you of the pitfalls along the way,
intrepid soul.

This is where having a strategy and knowing how to use it will keep you from
squandering your time and energies in a pool of disillusionment and dysfunction. When you
have a plan, you at least have some control. There are some people out there who say that
control is an illusion; I disagree, in that most people fail to take ownership of the areas of their
life that they can control. Always have your hands on the steering wheel, even during a skid.

A great approach is to view the dating process as a long screening process for a job that
you are looking to fill. That job description is basically the description I recommend you sit down
and write out.

Some examples:

  • Now Hiring: SEX KITTEN. Good looking, secure, woman with no cats of her own to
    enjoy casual dating and deliriously good sex.

  • Now Hiring: MONOGAMOUS MATE. Good looking Latina with fierce love of 80’s
    Hair-Metal bands and large families, marriage essential.

By framing your work as searching for someone you choose to take or leave, you give
yourself an immeasurable boost in confidence. Don’t think that this process is just about being
chosen, or that you need to “take what you get.” It’s up to you to make the decision about who
you spend your time with.

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