The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
© 2003 – Carlos Xuma. – DD Publications – All Rights Reserved –
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ask her out to dinner, and then I have to call her, and then we go on a date, and then I have to
try and kiss her, and then I try to get her back to my place and ...
Whoah there, Studpuppet. Don’t go picking out baby names just yet. Remember, this is
a continuum, where one step leads to the next. You can move faster or slower, but the
progression is almost always the same. You don’t need to have it all figured out, just the next
step on the path. The outcome is actually unimportant, as long as you continue to learn from
your mistakes and keep going. If you get too attached to an outcome, such as getting a kiss or
getting laid, you will be broadcasting that intent with every action. Remember that she will pick
up on your vibe. Don’t worry about the outcome; it will take care of itself.

The Best Opening Line Ever...............................................................................................................

Women know you are looking to pick them up, so don’t try to hide it or be ashamed of it,
as if what you’re doing is wrong. If men and women don’t get together, little babies don’t get
made, and the human species becomes extinct. Do us all a favor and stow away all the
emotional baggage and guilt about being seen as “picking up on women.” Women know you’re
doing it, and they want you to do it so they can meet you. Just don’t work it to the extreme
where you look like a stereotypical pick-up artist with his gold chains and pinky ring.
Your next step: Find an approach that is comfortable, not too contrived, and puts you in
a position to ask for your objective – her phone number. I have one that works spectacularly,
and you’d be amazed what kind of success you’ll have if you will use it on a regular basis. It
takes a while to memorize, but once you get the inflection and tone down, it’s a winner. Are you
ready? Here it is:


Don’t get tricky, just save the cleverness for that witty screenplay you’re working on. If
you get past the number one hurdle to meeting women, you’ll be in infinitely better shape than
the sad soul who spins on a barstool all night justifying why the woman he won’t approach “isn’t
my type anyway.” That number one hurdle to getting together with women is just overcoming
your (unfounded) fears and talking to them. I have found that over 90% of all women will smile
and give you a shot if you just say “Hi” to them and take it from there.

Stop trying to predict the future. Too many guys think they can tell what’s going to
happen if they actually go say something to a girl that interests them. They work it out in their
heads, listening to their fear of rejection, imagining an outcome they haven’t experienced, and
before you know it the moment has passed and another one has slipped by. The simplest
strategy is to use the Three Second Rule. If you have a few openers practiced and in your utility
belt, you won’t have to think at all, you’ll just DO. And if you take action, you’ll be outperforming
more than half the men out there.
Okay, so how do you go from there? What do you say after “Hi”?
Easy. You plan it out in advance. I could give you a bunch of clever things to talk about,
like the plot of a sit-com, or a recent news event, but none of it will be as good as what you think

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