The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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of that works for you. Ask her about the latest prime-time “reality” television show. Even better,
ask her what she thinks about men who have the guts to approach her and say Hi.
I will tell you that the best topics to discuss with women are subjects with a lot of drama
and lurid, sensational possibilities. Avoid asking her where she lives, what she does, etc.
Instead, remark how you saw someone climbing outside a building for “Fear Factor” the other
night, and ask her if she’d do that for a shot at stardom or money. After a while, once you’ve
relaxed and no longer build up too much anxiety over the initial introduction, you’ll find that it’s
easy to sniff out topics to talk about. Your initial hurdle is to make a couple minutes of chit-chat,
and then on to get her number.

Here’s more knowledge that should help you through this most difficult of times: Women
are secretly turned off by men who don’t have the guts to come up and say something to
them. You think that they’ll think you’re an idiot for coming up and taking a risk, making a move,
but in Truth they think you’re a loser if you don’t make a move.
Are you starting to see how the game actually works in your favor? Are you seeing how
the illusions we’ve created are actually wrong?

Close the Deal (Get the phone number and email) ............................................................................

(Or, “How I had the guts to reach for glory.”)

So how do you get her number? The secret for this is deceptively simple, so I won’t be
too sarcastic about answering it: Ask for it.

You may have heard of something called the Aladdin principle, which basically states
that in order to get what you want in life, you simply need to ask for it. So many people just walk
through life in a cynical funk, pissed off that they are not getting what they want, but they fail to
recognize that they never really asked for it. We may all want to have our minds read and our
true wishes delivered to us, but (for most of us) mommy is no longer waiting on us hand and
foot, so we have to ask for what we want.

You have to be willing to risk her saying “No” so that you can get to “Yes.” It’s a hard
thing, facing decision in a woman’s eyes. When you ask for a phone number you are basically
saying, “I’m giving you the power to reject me.” What you should not be doing is identifying with
her answer. If she says no, you understand this to mean “No, not right now.” If she really knew
the real you, we both know she’d sell her mother to Gypsies just to stand near you, but she’s
the one who lost out this time. She messed it up. If you frame this situation to be an evaluative
judgment of yourself, you will only be punishing yourself wrongly. She’s not judging you – you
are. She doesn’t know enough to make a good decision. You must take heart in that.

No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.
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