Strategic Marketing: Planning and Control, Third Edition

(Wang) #1
candidates will show a critical awareness and understanding of the relevant
theoretical framework surrounding the issues being discussed. Therefore,
candidates will be required to demonstrate in their examinations paper an
understanding of the theory, application of the theory and they will be
required to evaluate practice and theory.
To perform well on this paper the following characteristics should be
observed and adhered to:
● Candidates need to concentrate on the specifics of the question which
may be strategic or operational in nature.
● Candidates have to demonstrate that they have the knowledge and
skills required to critically appraise and apply models and concepts,
not merely describe them.
● Candidates have to illustrate their answers, wherever possible, with
relevant examples and provide the examiner with evidence that they
have undertaken wider reading about the subject.
● Candidates need to ensure that they concentrate on the specifics of the
question set, rather than answering in a generalised way, and that they
answer all elements of the question (which have now been increased
due to the new syllabus requirements).
● Candidates should ensure that they answer the question in the format
requested. If the question asks for a report format they need to ensure
that this is provided. Generally candidates should try to give well-
presented answers. Where possible candidates should use diagrams as
this helps them to use their time more efficiently.
In order for candidates to do well on this paper they need to be fully pre-
pared. The best preparation would include:
● Practice on selected questions from either past examinations or the
CIM specimen papers.
● Reading the examiners’ reports and specimen answers that are avail-
able for each past paper.
● Reading as widely as possible, not only textbooks but also the market-
ing and business press on a regular basis. Note:suggestions for further
reading will be found at the end of each chapter in this text.

The CIM assignment route

The CIM offer an assignment route for all modules within the Professional
Diploma qualification. Therefore, certain CIM study centres may now
offer the assignment route as an alternative to the examination route.
The assignment route requires candidates to complete coursework
instead of sitting an examination for the Marketing Planning module.
The Chartered Institute of Marketing devises the coursework and assess-
ment criteria and these are then delivered at the study centres which have
been given CIM approval to run this type of assessment rather than the

xiv Preface

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