Strategic Marketing: Planning and Control, Third Edition

(Wang) #1
into financial services. Both are examples of brand stretching. This policy
is more likely to be successful where the original brand values are compat-
ible with the aspirations of the new target group.
Over a period of time, it is likely that an organisation will be required to
undertake actions to improve the performance of a brand. This can occur
for a number of reasons such as the advent of new technology, changing
consumer behaviour or new competition. The options open to a company
in these circumstances are either to increase sales volume or to raise the
brand’s profitability. Brand revitalisation and Brand repositioning are two
approaches that can be employed to increase the sales volume of a brand.

■ Brand revitalisation

Brand revitalisation involves gaining sales volume by expanding the market
for a brand. Four significant opportunities exist that can expand a market:
1 Enter new markets: One approach is to expand into new geographical
areas. Irn Bru the Scottish soft drinks brand has recently expanded into
the Russian market as a way of increasing sales.
2 Exploit new market segments: Once the initial market segment has been
fully exploited, a company can then expand by targeting new market
segments. Johnson & Johnson’s baby shampoo was stagnating until
they moved the brand into a new market segment of adults who wash
their hair frequently.
3 Increase the frequency of use: This can be achieved by actions such as:
●Appealing to consumers to use products on new occasions can
increase a brand’s sales. Kellogg have been attempting to increase
sales of their Cornflakes brand by promoting the proposition that
the product should be eaten as a suppertime snack as well as a
breakfast cereal.
●Providing incentives to purchase such as frequent flyer pro-
grammes which promote the sale of airline tickets.
4 Increase quantity used: This can be achieved by:
●Increasing the size of the ‘normal-sized container’ such as the popcorn
or soft drink containers offered in cinemas. If consumers accept this size
as normal, then consumption will increase. Alternatively, undertake
advertising such as Weetabix promoting larger portions as normal. In
that case it suggests eating three Weetabix at a time rather than two.
●Removing barriers to consumption. Thus companies can offer low-
calorie chocolate or soft drinks as a way of removing a major obstruc-
tion to consumer purchase.

■ Brand repositioning

Brand repositioning is undertaken in order to increase a brand’s competi-
tive position and therefore increase sales volume by seizing market share

206 Strategic Marketing: Planning and Control

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