Strategic Marketing: Planning and Control, Third Edition

(Wang) #1

However, the truly successful plan goes further than the simple process
of planning. It is a vehicle to communicate, motivate and involve staff in
fundamental business activities. Too often planning is viewed as a restrict-
ive process based on programming events and generating paperwork.
Remember, plans need employee commitment and ‘ownership’ to achieve
The key reasons for planning are summarised as follows:

● Adapting to change: Planning provides an opportunity to examine how
changes in the business environment have/will affect the organisa-
tion. It enables management to focus on strategic issues as opposed to
day-to-day operational problems.
● Resource allocation: Planning allows us to deploy resources to effect-
ively meet opportunities and threats. No plan can succeed without
appropriate resources. When a strategic perspective is taken, organisa-
tions are better placed to marshal the resources required to meet stra-
tegic ‘windows of opportunity’. Doyle (1994) defines strategic windows
of opportunity as changes that have a major impact in the market
place. Strategic windows include factors such as: (i) new technology,
(ii) new market segments, (iii) new channels of distribution, (iv) mar-
ket redefinition – where the nature of demand changes, (v) legislative
changes and (vi) environmental shocks – sudden unexpected eco-
nomic or political change. Essentially, the process involves aligning
marketing activities with opportunities in order to generate competi-
tive advantage.
● Consistency: By providing a common base to work from (e.g. tech-
niques and assumptions) the overall decision-making process can be
enhanced. Additionally, common methods and formats should
improve internal communication.
● Integration: As a strategic process, planning should facilitate the inte-
gration and co-ordination of the marketing mix. By providing a stra-
tegic focus it should be possible to generate synergy from the individual
elements of the marketing mix.
● Communication and motivation: The plan should clearly communicate
strategic intent to employees and other stakeholders. Clear objectives
and an understanding of the individual, or group, contribution to the
process serves to generate ‘ownership’ and motivation.
● Control: All control activities are based on some predetermined plan.
The planning process should set meaningful targets, thus defining the
criteria by which success is measured.

■ Barrier to successful planning

Few would argue with the concept of planning. In any activity, a plan pro-
vides a fundamental basis for success. Marketing plans should offer
exactly what is required – optimising the use of marketing techniques and
resources in order to make the most of marketing opportunities. However,

The strategic marketing plan 247
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