Strategic Marketing: Planning and Control, Third Edition

(Wang) #1

● Price: It is a complex issue. While it is relatively easy to cost factors like
training, communications vehicles and other associated tangible costs,
it is worth remembering a price is also paid by the group and/or indi-
vidual. This ‘psychological’ price is difficult to measure, but import-
ant. It takes the form of uncertainty, loss of status, stress and loss
(hopefully short term) of operational efficiency.

In its simplest form internal marketing offers a framework (the four P’s)
which can lay the foundations of successful policy implementation. It
offers the marketing concept as a way to achieve specific strategic goals.
Figure 13.7 illustrates how the concept could be applied to an organisa-
tion. Here we segment by level of support. However, other criteria (e.g.
department or management level) could be applied.

Strategic implementation 267

Segment I
Internal mix I

Segment II
Internal mix II

Segment III
Internal mix III

Figure 13.7

Internal marketing

■ Applying project management


The ability to manage a project is a skill in its own right. Such skills are
‘transferable’ and can be applied to any situation. Therefore, they adhere
to general principles which can be learned by the marketing strategist.
Essentially, project management involves achieving unity of purpose
and setting achievable goals within given resource and time scale param-
eters. Efforts tend to focus on integrating activity, building teamwork and
monitoring progress. Marketing projects are rarely simple and often have
to be achieved while overcoming unforeseen problems and barriers.
Effective project management deals with such problems as and when they
Table 13.2 summarises common tasks in project management. Each task
is reviewed in turn.

● Objective setting
An overall strategic objective will be broken down into a series of ‘sub-
objectives’. It is important that these are clear, concise, understood and

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