Leading with NLP

(coco) #1

Ends and Means

Leaders set the end purpose, values guide the means to the
Vision divides into purpose (destination) and values.
Possibilities rather than necessities set the vision.
Common law sets the boundaries.

Purpose divides into a number of goals.
Goals are divided into objectives.
The objectives are the smaller goals each with a definite
evidence for completion.
Objectives are achieved through specific tasks.
Tasks are the work necessary to achieve the objectives and
are agreed among the group.
Common law defines how those tasks may be carried out.

Values govern the direction and means to achieve the
objectives and therefore the goals, objectives and tasks.

So, Roman law stifles innovation, because it restricts the avail-
able idea space. Behind it lie fixed principles and an
unchanging worldview: this is the way the world is – and, by
implication, this is the way it is going to stay. Roman law is
set up as the received wisdom to be passed from generation to
generation by the appointed keepers of that wisdom. Wisdom
may be handed down, but it will be mixed with a large help-
ing of the prejudices, limitations and limiting generalizations
of the previous generations. Roman law accumulates, like a
rolling stone tablet it gathers more laws, and they are seldom

Guides and Rules of the Road 123

Present state Desired state
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