Microsoft Word - 1

(Michael S) #1


Three is a Lucky Number

Before you read
1 Why is it important to be careful about the use of electricity
in the bathroom?
2 Find these words in your dictionary:
bubble funeral inspector will
Which word describes:
a an event after someone's death?
b something you can find in a soapy bath?
c a police officer?
d a document that people write to prepare for their death?

After you read
3 Answer these questions:
a What was Ronald's reason for marrying Mary, Dorothy and
b Why does Ronald fill the bath with bubbles?
c What does he expect to happen when he turns on the electricity
d Why does it not happen?
e What makes Edyth go to the police?
f What do the police ask Edyth to do?
g How does she escape from the bathroom?
h Whose footsteps does Ronald hear at the end of the story?
i What do you think happens next?
4 Work in pairs. Act out:
a the first conversation between Ronald and Edyth in the hotel.
b Edyth's conversation with a police officer after she escapes
from the bathroom.


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