15 Find the word gamble in your dictionary. What do gamblers do?
Explain in your own words.
After you read
16 Number these events in the order in which they actually happened.
..... A Louise is shot.
..... B V. I. is shot in the shoulder.
..... C Alicia is shot.
..... D V. I. visits her old school.
..... E Alicia goes to the school.
..... F Tom and his friend go to the school.
..... G Tom steals Alicia’s disks.
..... H Tom borrows a large sum of money.
..... I Tom tells his story to the police.
..... J Alicia tells her story to V. I.
17 Who do you think is the most guilty person in the story? Why?
18 V. I. tries to help her friend. How successful is she?
Slowly, Slowly in the Wind
Before you read
19 Find these words in your dictionary:
corn scarecrow
Which word describes:
a something you can make?
b something you can grow?
After you read
20 Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
a When her parents separated, Maggie decided to live with her
b Skip gave up work because of health problems.
c Frosby wants more money for the fishing rights.
d Skip is very angry when he learns about Maggie’s marriage.
e Skip gives Andy a holiday because he wants him to enjoy himself.
f Skip plans the murder carefully.
g Andy is shocked by the murder.