Microsoft Word - 1

(Michael S) #1

21 Work in pairs. Act out:
a the first conversation between Skip and Frosby, at Skip’s house.
b the first conversation between Maggie and Pete, at the petrol
22 Do you feel sorry for Skip? Why (not)?

Woodrow Wilson’s Tie

Before you read
23 Find the word wax in your dictionary. What is wax made of?
What is a waxwork?

After you read
24 Choose the correct ending to each statement.
a Clive’s first idea is to spend a night in the Hall of Waxworks
(i) for an adventure. (ii) to kill someone.
b He makes his decision to murder three people
(i) before his second visit. (ii) while he is inside the Hall.
c He puts the bodies in place of the waxworks
(i) to hide them. (ii) because it amuses him.
d When Clive tells the police that he did the murders,
(i) they don’t believe him. (ii) they put him in prison.
25 Work in pairs. Act out this conversation.
Student A: You are Clive. Explain to the police doctor how
and why you did the murders.
Student B: You are the police doctor. You do not believe Clive,
but he is clearly ill and you want to help him.


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