34 Write one of these letters.
a A letter to Edyth in Three Is a Lucky Number’ from a middle-
aged man who has read about her story in the newspapers. His
own wife has died, and he would like to meet her.
b A report from Kinsey to Mrs Spurrier in ‘Full Circle’. Mrs Spurrier
already knows who was responsible for her daughter’s death.
Kinsey is explaining how she found the man.
35 Choose one of these stories. Write a different ending for one of
these stories, starting from the line that is given here.
a (‘How’s Your Mother?’) ‘But now I have other things to do.’
b (The Absence of Emily’) ‘What makes you think I buried Emily?’
36 Write one of these newspaper reports.
a (‘Slowly, Slowly in the Wind’) A report of the discovery of Frosby
and Skip’s bodies, and the connection between them.
b (‘Woodrow Wilson’s Tie’) A report of Clive’s next crime.
37 Give a short account of how V. I. in ‘At the Old Swimming Hole’ and
Morse in The Inside Story’ solve their crimes. Include some of the
similarities and differences between their cases.
38 Which of the stories do you think is closest to real life?
39 Crime stories usually have a surprise at the end. Which of these
stories do you think has the most satisfying surprise?
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