Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle

(Barry) #1

Your Purpose in Life

Purpose is a strategy, the strategy you have designed to express
your important values. Everyone has a strategy, whether it was
consciously designed or unconsciously adopted from childhood
Inherited purpose is the action part of the role adopted in child-
hood. We accepted this inherited purpose without realizing it or
choosing it. An inherited purpose can provide us with little satisfac-
tion, because it was almost always designed to please someone else
and, because we chose it unconsciously, we don’t usually remember
choosing it.
A purpose is similar to an outfit of clothing. One outfit is not
necessarily better than another, it is a matter of individual suitability
and taste. What fits you and looks good on you may not look so
good on someone else. Additionally, you will enjoy much more the
outfit you choose than the selection another might make for you.
For many participants in our Training sessions, dramatic and
satisfying changes in their lives begin with the simple declaration of
their life’s purpose. This is done by asking yourself, “What am I do-
ing here?” It’s impossible to imagine a person without purpose. A
person who completely lacks purpose would find it impossible to
make any decision.

Here is my life’s purpose: (PL)

The purpose of my life is to use my creativity, curiosity,
courage, common sense, compassion, and sense of humor
by setting a good example, writing, teaching, traveling, and
adding to my personal fortune so that everyone enjoys the
satisfaction of serving others in the way we most prefer and
everyone experiences freedom and peace of mind.

And here is my purpose: (AF)

The purpose of my life is to use my entrepreneurial spirit,
confidence, self-motivation, dedication, and team-building
ability by developing, promoting, teaching, coaching, and
mentoring others so that they are able to expand their
minds, become personally and financially free, and be able
to enjoy all that life has to offer.

Your Purpose in Life 89
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