Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle

(Barry) #1

solutely.” Money projects power. No question about that. However,
it’s a big leap of logic to state that money is the cause of the corrup-
tion. In fact, money cannotcorrupt you.
There are corrupt and degenerate poor people and corrupt
and degenerate rich people. The difference is that money enables
rich degenerates to express themselves more fully.
Having your own business is a wonderful thing. It’s your cre-
ation whereby you serve others by expressing those values that are
most important to you. The more money you earn, the more able
you become to serve even more people by the expression of your
important values. The idea that money will corrupt you assumes
that money has the power to change your values. If money has that
much power over you, then your values cannot have been very
strong in the first place.
Religion that keeps you poor borders on medieval superstition.
It is time you were free of this. This model produces struggle and
lack. Unity with the Source of Sources can only aid in your prosper-
ity. Another way to say this is that the creator of the universe did not
create Mercedes automobiles so that you could not have one.


Survivor’s guilt is the result of a natural but erroneous conclusion
made by the survivors of catastrophic events: that there is some re-
lationship between the fact that the victims died and the survivors
did not. Survivors of air crashes, wartime combat, the Nazi Holo-
caust, as well as other manmade and natural disasters experience
survivor’s guilt to some degree.
I (PL) grew up in a small town in New Jersey (pop. 7,000). Ten
people from my town went to Vietnam, and I was the only one to
come back. Many of the casualties were people I knew. As I recov-
ered from the war experience, I sought therapy about survivor’s
guilt. In time I recognized that the fact that those people were dead
and I was alive had nothing to do with each other.
I believe that survivor’s guilt is the primary component in
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). One characteristic all
PTSD sufferers have in common is that they survived while others
did not. Survivor’s guilt tends to keep the PTSD in place far
longer and far more severely than need be, because the guilt
makes the events more painful to talk about and leads sufferers
to think they should feel bad.
It may aid millions of fellow Vietnam veterans and other suffer-

How Unresolved Guilt May Be Affecting Your Financial Life in Unknown Ways 117
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