Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle

(Barry) #1

cle. When you visit the gym for a workout, you are in better condi-
tion for a while after leaving. The same is true with your creativity.
Most people discover that as little as two minutes per day of Discov-
ery Writing is enough to recondition their creativity so that creative
solutions come to them much more quickly in their everyday life.
The solution you are looking for may not come to you while you
are making one of these lists. Near the beginning of writing this
book, we made daily lists of possible titles. After several weeks we
still had nothing we liked well enough to use. One day while driving
my car (PL), “Wealth Without a Job” came to me. This felt right.
Andy agreed. We spent another week continuing to make lists of
possible titles to ensure we found nothing better. Even though the
lists we made did not produce the title, they did, in fact, free up cre-
ativity sufficiently for the final title to pop out into awareness. This
is a fairly common phenomenon.


Surely you have been exposed to impassioned pleas offering you business
opportunities too good to pass up. Perhaps they are good, but if they do
not express your own values and interests, you are unlikely to get very far
with them. Aptitude tests also are of limited value because you’ll be suc-
cessful only to the extent that you use your aptitudes to express the values
and interests that matter to you. Besides, the passion called forth by ex-
pressing your most important values and interests will motivate you to gain
any of the aptitudes you lack.


Here you will be using your creativity to define a business for
yourself by asking three important questions:

  1. Whom will I serve?

  2. Why would they do business with me?

  3. How will I serve them?
    Here is the author’s completed business definition:
    We serve independent businesspeople and emerging entrepre-
    neurs in their desire for financial freedom by teaching internal self-
    management and business skills not taught in schools.
    Next, you will be designing your own business definition. You do not
    have to start at ground zero, because you have already declared the pur-
    pose of your life in Chapter 6. This statement of purpose provides a broad

What Do You Want? 143
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