Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle

(Barry) #1
individually, to earn the income they want from work they love, we
know that the obstacles that truly stand in the way are internal. These
obstacles are the result of limited conditioning learned during 20,
meals with parents who gave conflicting messages about money. The
methods you will be learning here bring to the surface personal psy-
chological patterns you may have denied or suppressed. You will learn
to make profitable use of the energy and thinking that previously
stood in your way, turning stumbling blocks into stepping-stones.
Starting one’s own business has always been an option for peo-
ple wanting to take charge of their future and escape the trap of in-
come stagnation. Financial experts traditionally suggest a nest egg
consisting of six months to two years of expenses before quitting a
job to start a business. With the advent of wireless communications,
laptop computers, and the Internet, such a nest egg is no longer
necessary. Modern technology can empower you to start most busi-
nesses while you keep your job or if you are currently unemployed.

What to Do If You Are Unemployed

Here in my adopted hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina, I (PL)
belong to a Toastmasters Club with about 30 members. Half our
membership is entrepreneurs and the rest have jobs, at least until
they’re downsized. This happens to a couple of people each year. I al-
ways ask the newly unemployed person about his or her plans. “Find
another job,” they say. “Why?” I ask. “To pay the bills,” they respond.
We think you would agree that how much you are paid and even
whetheryou are paid is far too important a decision to leave to cor-
porate bureaucracy. If you are unemployed, then you can make a
better choice than these people. With this book, you are not just an-
other unemployed person. You have in your hands the information
required to start and build your own full- or part-time business.
Here is the road to financial security. No more vulnerability to in-
come loss because of the mistakes of others. The business owner de-
rives income from multiple sources—a structure that enhances
security. The business owner relies on his or her wits, initiative, and
creativity for income, a far more reliable source than any employer.
If you are unemployed, then take the best job you can find that
pays more than unemployment benefits. Once your unemployment
benefits have run out, this will be pretty easy to do. Make sure it is a
job that involves selling, so you gain or polish your selling skills.
Make it your goal to become the top salesperson in the organiza-

4 Introduction

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