Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle

(Barry) #1
on a daily basis and made it more clear and detailed in my mind. I
wrote out empowering affirmations using the methods in Chapter 9
that would move me forward and clear my mind of chatter. By doing
this I was able to think clearly. I still was not sure what I was going to
do, but I knew that it would come to me at the right time.
I kept my faith and followed my heart. I read many different
books, listened to tapes, and went to seminars. I knew that by
changing my mind-set I would become the person I had to be. I re-
ally enjoyed the process, although it was not easy at times. Doubts
crept in that caused fear and anxiety. When I realized these were
imaginary, I let them go. I continued working on myself because I
knew that this was the path to my dreams. This felt empowering!
For the first time in a very long time, I really felt alive.
Two weeks prior to the layoffs, I cleared out my desk, preparing
for the moment just in case I was targeted. Actually I hoped that I
was. Finally the layoffs started—an ugly two-day period. But I was
mentally prepared to leave. My belongings were packed and my
mind was checked out. I was only waiting for the official word.
The first day, everyone who had been with the company less than
10 years was laid off. You could feel the tension in the air. I hoped it
would end quickly. Unfortunately, I had been with the company for
more than 10 years, so I had to wait until the next day. I had decided
that if they did not call me that day, I would volunteer to leave.
When my manager, the director of program management and engi-
neering, approached me and said, “Would you please come to my of-
fice? I would like to talk to you,” I knew what was coming.
I was excited because I knew from this point forward I would be
in charge of my life. I knew with certainty that it would improve dra-
matically. Even though I did not know specifically what I was going
to do, I was ready for the challenge and the change.
I went into my manager’s office. He began, “I’m so sorry, but we
have to let you go. We appreciate your many years of service, but
the economic times mandate we let you go, blah, blah blah... .” I
stopped listening. My mind was on the bright future I had envi-
sioned. I was ecstatic. I had a smile on my face from ear to ear and I
replied, “Thank you so much. You have no idea what you did for
me. You have removed the shackles that have been holding me
back. Thank you.” My manager looked at me as if I were psychotic.
He had expected me to break down; he did not expect me to be
happy. I knew the layoff meant nothing about me. In my mind, I
knew that I was worth much more than they were paying me. I con-

6 Introduction

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