Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle

(Barry) #1
sidered this a gift of freedom to earn the money I desired and do
what I love instead of what I have to do to survive.
My manager continued to apologize, saying “I feel sorry for you
that this had to happen this way.” I replied, “Don’t feel sorry for me.
This is the best day of my life. I feel sorry for you.” He looked puz-
zled and shocked. I continued, “You’re still here and have to deal
with the aftermath.” This is not what he expected! Then I asked
him, “How fast can I get out of here?” Off we went to human re-
sources to process the paperwork.
The story was similar at human resources. They too apologized
and felt sorry for me. When I said the same things I had said to my
manager, the human resources person got nervous. He thought I was
losing my mind. He could not understand how anyone could possibly
be so happy about being laid off. I had fun with that person, as well.
When I passed the security gate and entered the parking lot, I
was more relieved than I ever had been. The shackles were off; I felt
free. I knew that what had happened was meant to be and that life
from that point forward would not be the same. It was going to be
much better. My mind was clear and there was no chatter.
Doing what I had to was finally over; I could make a fresh start.
When I arrived at home with my box beneath my arm, my wife,
Tamar, knew exactly what had happened. I said, “Tonight we are go-
ing out to celebrate my new freedom.”
Job loss is devastating. 100 percent of my income disappeared
overnight. I am very grateful that I used the methods in this book
during the months that followed. I have compassion for those of my
former colleagues who were laid off at the same time (three years
ago), but remain devastated by their loss. Despite the intense object
lesson in the instability of working for someone else, many of these
people still are seeking jobs to produce income.
At first I felt disoriented by my newfound freedom. This lasted
only a short time until I began systematic use of the methods in this
book. I had already established my purpose in life. Now I was free to
express my own purpose—rather than that of my former em-
ployer—through the goals I chose. Just as important, I was free to
choose my business associates instead of accepting those whom the
company had provided.
Since my involuntary departure from corporate America, I have
published my first book Profiting in Turbulent Times, have written this
book with Phil, and am working on another partnership with Dolf
de Roos. Dolf is the author of the bestseller Real Estate Riches. He

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