Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle

(Barry) #1





Make your communication more influential by actually putting
yourself in the other person’s shoes. Learn to understand the in-
ternal psychology of others.

Forget about persuading and convincing. The sales method we

teach involves neither. Judging yourself by your ability to persuade
others is the primary source of the emotional overload that many
people associate with selling. If you allow your well-being to depend
on something that you do not control, then you will experience
pain. This is the essential concept and prime advantage of taking
responsibility for your results, and it is the significant feature of the
sales map you will be learning.
In sales situations, the customer makes the buying decision.
Yes, you as the seller have influence, but you do not have control.
Our sales model puts you in control and dramatically reduces the
emotional overload or emotional pain people often associate
with selling.
Chapter 13 takes you step-by-step through the process of
making a sale using a Sales Map. This Sales Map has three simple
objectives—present your customer with compelling value, col-
lect decisions, and be willing to receive—all of which are within
your control.
Here we present essential information about communication to
make your selling far more effective and far less frustrating than be-
fore. The value you present is only compelling if your customer sees



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