Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle

(Barry) #1

onds to make this interruption appealing, to make a connection,
and to give your prospect a good reason to listen to you. Until you
accomplish these things, it is very unlikely that you will hear any-
thing that you wish to hear from your prospect. Therefore, it is a
good idea to speak more quickly than usual, without pauses, at the
beginning so you can make a connection.

Telephone Answering Machines

Don’t waste your time by leaving messages on the answering ma-
chines of people you do not know. If you reach an answering ma-
chine, hang up; make a note of the time and the day of the week,
and call again at a different time and day of the week, because most
people operate on a fixed routine. On the third attempt, if you still
get an answering machine, briefly state your offer, saying that this
will be your only call to that person.

Useful Guidelines about Selling

Selling is an interactive process. You do not control the responses of
your customer. Nor do you control the order in which you obtain
the information you are looking for. Do not think of the Sales Map
as a checklist, but rather a guide of what to do next.
The following are important guidelines that you should deviate
from only with very good reasons. Do not embark on a lengthy pre-
sentation until you have an acknowledgment of interest in the form
of a need or desire from your customer. If you accede to a customer
who says, “Just tell me what you have and I will make the decision,”
then you are turning yourself into a performer who can only hope
that the audience approves of your show. You have lost control of
the sales process. You’ll be far more effective, and save time for
yourself and your customer, by seeking an acknowledgment of a
particular interest, so you can focus your presentation on the fea-
tures and benefits that matter to each individual.
Postpone responding to premature questions about price by
saying something like “I have a variety of solutions you might con-
sider, and I don’t want to discuss price until we know what would
work best for you.” If the customer persists in knowing prices right
at the outset, refer him or her to your Web site. The short way to
remember this is: refrain from discussing price until after you es-
tablish value.

Useful Guidelines about Selling 229
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