Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle

(Barry) #1
to use the sales map, how will you feelwhen you are able to in-
crease the amount of money you have coming in? What will this
allow you to do?
Link the prospect’s needs, desires, and hot buttons to the training
program. Also use his move away motivation strategy to help him make
the decision. The last question links the Training to his feelings (hands-on,
feeling burned and rejected, feel).

John:This program feelslike it might be what I have been lookingfor.
I can definitely seehow more money will make my life more
soothing and satisfying. How much does this cost?
The prospect is using kinesthetic and visual word now (feels, looking,
see, soothing and satisfying). Respond by using both systems. The
prospect also sees the value of the service being offered and
responds positively.
If he did not respond positively at this point, you did not build enough
value in Step 3, you presented it in a different representational system
from what the prospect was using, or you did not communicate correctly
the link between value and the need or desire. In the last case, make sure
you have identified the need or desire. Ask the prospect again if perhaps
he is looking for something besides increased income.

Step 5: Close: Handle Objections

Andy:To seeyourself get involved in the Win the Sales Game Train-
ing program and graspall the great tools we use, it will be an in-
vestment of only $500. Most trainings of this caliber will cost at
least $2,500 to $4,000. We offer this program at a fraction of the
cost so everyone can attend and benefit from the information.
Would you like to sign up for the May Training, or would you
prefer the September Training?
This close uses several tools (see, grasp). It uses a contrast in price
comparing it to other seminars, the prospect’s representational systems,
and an alternative choice question is designed so you have a sale with
either answer.
Note:Once you pose the closing question: SHUT UP!!!We can’t
emphasize this enough. Many sales are lost because the person selling
keeps selling instead of waiting for the prospect to answer. You do not
want to be the first person who speaks at this point.
We will cover a few different outcomes for you to learn the process.

236 Learning to Sell the Easy Way

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