Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle

(Barry) #1

1.John:I would like the May Training. The September Training is
too late.

The prospect has purchased. Fill out the paperwork immediately to get
him processed. (Note:Make sure you know and understand the
paperwork fully beforeyou make any sales calls. Practice ahead of time
so you know exactly how to fill it out.)

1.Andy:That’s great! Would you like to make that investment using
your Visa or MasterCard?

Follow through with the payment portion first, then gather any other
information later. Finish the transaction, pat yourself on the back, and
continue to make calls. You have momentum now, and your excitement
will carry over to other prospects you call that day. Take advantage of
this. You are a winner.

2.John:I don’t have the money.

This is a common objection. Objections are a query for more information.
The prospect does not have enough information for him to part with his
money. Notice that he doesn’t say, “Go away. I’m not interested.”

2.Andy:I can appreciate that, and is that a permanent condition?

Here I agreed with the prospect, to take him off the defensive. My next
question interrupts his thinking pattern.
After the prospect answers the question, immediately answer the
objection and go back to Step 3 of the Sales Map and continue to build
value unless the prospect says he or she will buy.
Most likely the prospect objected here because he doesn’t yet
perceive enough value. After you establish the value, continue the process
as before. Go through this loop at least six times before you give up
unless the client gets angry or hostile. Most people give up too soon. You
don’t want to be one of those. The prospect is still interested in finding out
more about what you have.

3.John:That’s too expensive.

Again, this response means the prospect does not understand the value of
what you are offering.

3.Andy:Compared to what?

Answer the objection and determine what the prospect is comparing your
offer to. Be sure to get a specific answer.

Using the Five-Step Sales Map to Sell a Service 237
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