Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle

(Barry) #1
1.Prospect: We’ve been discussing finishing the basement.

1.Bill:What would you like to change about your basement?
You are now on Step 2 of the Sales Map. This question is designed to
discover the prospect’s motivation strategy. If you hear answers like “The
basement is a mess, it leaks and there is mildew” or “My wife has been
nagging me about it,” then you can be pretty sure this person has a need
and is moving away from pain as a motivation strategy. If you hear
something like “We want a place for our kids and their friends to hang
out at home” or “I want a space for my business, which has outgrown the
kitchen table,” your customer has a desire and uses moving toward
pleasure motivation.

2.Prospect: We are putting our house on the market next week.

2.Bill:I understand. Has your real estate agent pointed out some
small improvements that could add thousands to your selling
price or help your house to sell more quickly?
Just because you got a negative response is not necessarily a reason to
give up. Be flexible. Try a different approach.

3.Prospect: No, we are not interested.

3.Bill:OK. What about some repairs that haven’t gotten done?
Same as previous example.

4.Prospect: Who do you think you are, interrupting my dinner?

4.Bill:Wow! It must feel terrible to think like that. I hope you feel
better soon. I won’t call again. Bye now.
Some people are like this. Do not allow them to bring you down to their
level of discontent and rudeness. Immediately contact the next person
on your list. If you do not, this negative state will cause you to give
up. Keep calling until you get a positive response before ending the
calling day.

Bill:For most people, their home is their largest investment. What
would be important to you in the improvements you are think-
ing about?

Step 2: Continue asking questions to find the need or desire. At this point,
you have uncovered your customer’s motivation strategy. Next, you want

240 Learning to Sell the Easy Way

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