Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle

(Barry) #1

Do you think he would make the sale? Of course not. Then Bill goes
through the features of his price quote before naming his price.

Remember to use Step 1 of the Sales Map. You must reestablish a
connection with the prospect. If you do not, you risk the chance the
prospect will decline your offer.
Bill then goes through Step 3 of the Sales Map to build the value of
what is being offered before presenting the price. If the value was not
established first, it will not matter how little Bill’s quote is. Anything will
seem too much.

Bill:This includes the complete waterproofing system we discussed
with a five-year guarantee, the tile we discussed in gray for the
floor (showing sample). This has a five-year guarantee. I did not
include the imported tile, which you said you did not want, be-
cause it would have added $2,500 to the price. But it does in-
clude the knotty pine paneling. OK?

By going through the different features with the prospect and showing
samples, you get the prospect and his or her senses involved in the
process. This will build emotional ties to what you are offering.

Bill:The quotation works out to $7,100. I can start work as soon as
Monday. Are you ready for your new basement office.

The last sentence is the closing question, even though we don’t use a
question mark. Bill knows to state it like a command, so his voice goes
down instead of up at the end of the sentence. Practice your closing
question. Say, “Get off the couch.” Use the same downward pitch at the
end of the sentence you would use in saying that to your beloved pet.
Then practice it with your closing questions.

1.Prospect: How about $6,900?

Bill has read and understood the information in Chapter 11 about
negotiation, so he has left himself some wiggle room in his price
quotation. Earlier he established $6,600 as his rock-bottom price. He
also knows that if he agrees to the prospect’s lower offer without getting
anything, even something small, in return, the prospect could be
motivated to go even lower.

1.Bill:You have a deal at $6,900, but it would require a deposit of
60 percent. Can I get a check from you.

Using the Five-Step Sales Map to Sell a Service 245
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