Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle

(Barry) #1

  1. Producing your product or service, delivering it and collect-
    ing payment

  2. Follow-up

Date Purpose Activity
Jun 12 Get business license, checking
account, and merchant VISA
Jun 14 Prospecting Research magazines to reach writers
and publishers with advertising
Jun 14 Closing Update answering machine’s
outgoing message
Jun 15 Prospecting Write my elevator speech for use in
Jun 15 Prospecting Write out what to say about my
Jun 17 Prospecting Start phoning local advertising
Jun 17 Personal Write daily Power Affirmations to
enhance my sales results
??? Closing Respond to ad agencies that are
Jun 18 Prospecting Research Internet to find publishers
who need proofreaders
July 19 Prospecting Place ads in magazines
July 20 Prospecting Make calls to magazines and
book publishers (during lunch
Undated Producing Research various kinds of
proofreading software
Undated Referrals Solicit existing and past customers
weekly for additional business from
them or those they know

Clearly there are holes here to be filled in once the business
gets rolling and work for customers must be scheduled. Neverthe-
less, this a good basic plan; not much more is required to get

Sample Plan 257
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