Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle

(Barry) #1
In Chapter 5, you learned the three steps to change awareness,
acceptance, and action. In Chapter 6, you declared the purpose of
your life so you have greater satisfaction and sense of direction. In
Chapter 7, you learned to develop a more empowering relationship
with your feelings by understanding that they exist as an increase in
energy in response to a challenge. In Chapter 8, you established
SMART goals and learned how to perceive time more productively,
the power of changing your perception of unpleasant past events to
reduce their emotional impact, and to use your creativity. You also
created a business definition. In Chapter 9, you learned to cultivate
the thinking that moves you ahead with Power Affirmations, and
Chapter 10 presented the basic elements of a successful business.
In Chapter 11, you learned about the obstacles that may have
prevented you from successful negotiation in the past, and in Chap-
ter 12, you learned what to listen for in sales situations and how to
tailor your communication most effectively for each person you
deal with. In Chapter 13, you learned the benefits of learning to sell
in the kiddy pool and the Five-Step Sales Map to guide your deci-
sion making and communication when selling.
None of this information will produce results for you unless you
take massive action. Massive action means more than is required.
Herein lies a significant benefit of doing work you love. Massive ac-
tion would be drudgery in work you don’t like.

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260 Putting It All Together into a Plan

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