Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle

(Barry) #1

Take Massive Action

It’s great to have goals. However, if you do not take action to
achieve them, they are merely dreams. So action is an integral
part of your success. We authors like to use the phrase “massive ac-
tion,” which is eloquently promoted by author and trainer, Tony
Robbins. It means doing more than is required and getting rid of
the mentality of just doing enough to get by. Massive action means
being focused and continually taking action no matter what hap-
pens. Challenges and obstacles always will get in your way. Use
them as learning experiences. Thus, there is no failure except fail-
ure to learn. Many people give up just before they achieve success.
Then someone else goes a little further and gets the rewards. That
is why you must continually take massive action to achieve the suc-
cess you desire.
Herein lies the importance of loving the work you do. Massive
action will feel like drudgery if you don’t like your work or barely
tolerate it. For people who love their work, massive action is a de-
lightful challenge.
This book stresses the importance of goals repeatedly for good
reason. As soon as you commit to a goal that will make you stretch,
two very important things happen to facilitate your accomplish-
ment of that goal.

  1. Your mind begins to attract to you and also causes you to no-
    tice the resources required for accomplishment.

  2. Your mind promptly brings to your attention the thoughts it
    has been thinking in the past that will prevent you from
    achieving your goal.
    Let’s say you are accustomed to earning $7,500 per month and,
    as a result of reading this book, you decide you can do better for
    yourself and your family, so you commit to your new goal of earning
    $12,000 per month within 18 months. As soon as you do this, your
    mind will report to you those thoughts that stand in the way of ac-
    complishing this goal. For example, you may hear your mind say-
    ing, “My parents told me to take what I was given and not ask for
    more” or “What do I need this for? I will only have twice as many
    worries.” This is highly valuable information. Your mind is report-
    ing to you what it has thought in the past that needs to be changed
    so you can accomplish this goal. Just because limiting thoughts like

Take Massive Action 45
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