Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle

(Barry) #1
lost sight of the income opportunities right in front of him. He pro-
crastinated and became a recluse. He knew he had to change but
didn’t know how.
After two hours of consulting, Jim started to focus on income-
producing activities in his business. He discovered that he felt much
more empowered when focusing on what he wanted, and therefore
he increased his income very quickly. This took the pressure off
him, and he was able to eliminate the mountain of debt and pro-
duce positive cash flow.
Remember:What you focus on in your mind is what grows in your
life. Are you focusing your attention on what you want or what you
don’t want? The choice is yours.

Values Motivate Us All

Each of us is motivated differently. What drives us to do what we do?
There are six reasons for everything people do:

  1. Certainty

  2. Uncertainty or variety

  3. Significance

  4. Love or connection

  5. Growth

  6. Contribution

You must have a level of certainty to accomplish anything. If you
had no certainty, you would be too afraid to start anything. Con-
versely, you also must have uncertainty or variety in your life; other-
wise you would be very bored.
All of us are more motivated to do tasks or achieve goals when
we feel significant. Typically, we get a feeling of significance either
through work or from friends and family. If we feel worthy about
what we do, then we do what must be done. In addition to feeling
significant, we must feel a connection or love to the people we are
dealing with. For example, if we felt no connection to our signifi-
cant other, would we be motivated to do things for him or her?
Probably not! Because we do feel a connection with and love from
our significant other, we will be motivated to do things to make him
or her happy that we may not normally do for ourselves.
To be motivated, we must be growing and learning all the time.
If we are not growing, we are stagnant. When we stagnate, we actu-
ally move backward. Moving backward does not feel good, and we

68 Three Ingredients to Effective Change: Awareness, Acceptance, and Action

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