Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

would be enough. Let’s summarize the use of Cycript with an example of logging in to iMessage

with my Apple ID. First we need to get an instance of iMessage login controller:

FunMaker-5:~ root# cycript - p SpringBoard
cy# controller = [CNFRegController controllerForServiceType:1]
#"<CNFRegController: 0x166401e0>"

Then login with my Apple ID:

cy# [controller beginAccountSetupWithLogin:@"[email protected]"
password:@"" foundExisting:NO]
#"IMAccount: 0x166e7b30 [ID: 5A8E19BE-1BC9-476F-AD3B-729997FAA3BC Service:
IMService[iMessage] Login: E:[email protected] Active: YES LoginStatus: Connected]"

This is an equivalent of logging in iMessage as shown in figure 4-11.

Figure 4- 11 Log in iMessage

This method returns a logged in IMAccount, i.e my iMessage account. Then select the

addresses for sending and receiving iMessages:

cy# [controller setAliases:@[@"[email protected]"] onAccount:#0x166e7b30]

This is an equivalent of selecting iMessage addresses as shown in figure 4-12.

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