Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

  • 0xee7a2: tst.w r0, #255
    0xee7a6: bne 0xee7b2 ; ___lldb_unnamed_function299$$SpringBoard

  • 130
    0xee7a8: bl 0x10d340 ;
    0xee7ac: tst.w r0, #255
    (lldb) p $r0
    (unsigned int) $0 = 0

Because the value of R0 is 0, BNE makes the process branch to the left:

(lldb) ni
Process 731 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 0x02db, 0x000ee7a6
SpringBoard`___lldb_unnamed_function299$$SpringBoard + 118, queue = ‘
thread, stop reason = instruction step over
frame #0: 0x000ee7a6 SpringBoard`___lldb_unnamed_function299$$SpringBoard + 118
SpringBoard`___lldb_unnamed_function299$$SpringBoard + 118:

  • 0xee7a6: bne 0xee7b2 ; ___lldb_unnamed_function299$$SpringBoard

  • 130
    0xee7a8: bl 0x10d340 ;
    0xee7ac: tst.w r0, #255
    0xee7b0: beq 0xee7da ;

  • 170
    (lldb) ni
    Process 731 stopped

  • thread #1: tid = 0x02db, 0x000ee7a8
    SpringBoard___lldb_unnamed_function299$$SpringBoard + 120, queue = ‘ thread, stop reason = instruction step over frame #0: 0x000ee7a8 SpringBoard_lldb_unnamedfunction299$$SpringBoard + 120
    lldb_unnamed_function299$$SpringBoard + 120:

  • 0xee7a8: bl 0x10d340 ;
    0xee7ac: tst.w r0, #255
    0xee7b0: beq 0xee7da ;

  • 170
    0xee7b2: movw r0, #2174

Trigger that breakpoint again, change R0’s value to 1 by “register write”, and see if the

branch changes:

Process 731 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 0x02db, 0x000ee7a2
SpringBoard`___lldb_unnamed_function299$$SpringBoard + 114, queue = ‘
thread, stop reason = breakpoint 3.1
frame #0: 0x000ee7a2 SpringBoard`___lldb_unnamed_function299$$SpringBoard + 114
SpringBoard`___lldb_unnamed_function299$$SpringBoard + 114:

  • 0xee7a2: tst.w r0, #255
    0xee7a6: bne 0xee7b2 ; ___lldb_unnamed_function299$$SpringBoard

  • 130
    0xee7a8: bl 0x10d340 ;
    0xee7ac: tst.w r0, #255
    (lldb) p $r0
    (unsigned int) $5 = 0
    (lldb) register write r0 1
    (lldb) p $r0
    (unsigned int) $6 = 1
    (lldb) ni

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