1.0.8.tar.gz and decompress it. The files we are going to use are tcprelay.py and usbmux.py.
Copy them to the same directory such as:
- Forward local port to remote port with usbmuxd
Input the following command in Terminal:
/Users/snakeninny/Code/USBSSH/tcprelay.py - t Remote port on iOS:Local port on
Now usbmuxd is forwarding local port on OSX/Windows to remote port on iOS.
Here comes an example of usage scenario: ssh into iOS via USB without WiFi, then debug
SpringBoard with LLDB.
-^ Forward local port 2222 on OSX to remote port 22 on iOS:^
snakeninnysiMac:~ snakeninny$ /Users/snakeninny/Code/USBSSH/tcprelay.py - t 22:2222
Forwarding local port 2222 to remote port 22
-^ ssh into iOS and attach debugserver to SpringBoard:^
snakeninnysiMac:~ snakeninny$ ssh root@localhost -p 2222
FunMaker-5:~ root# debugserver *:1234 -a “SpringBoard”
- Forward local port 1234 on OSX to remote port 1234 on iOS:^
snakeninnysiMac:~ snakeninny$ /Users/snakeninny/Code/USBSSH/tcprelay.py - t 1234:1234
Forwarding local port 1234 to remote port 1234
-^ Start debugging in LLDB:
snakeninnysiMac:~ snakeninny$ /Applications/OldXcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/lldb
(lldb) process connect connect://localhost:1234
usbmuxd speeds up ssh connection to less than 15 seconds in general, and should be your
first ssh choice.