Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Figure 5- 10 WLAN

Our attention lies on actual operations of an App for sure. As a result, how to locate

PreferenceBundle binaries that perform the actual operations is one topic for us to study. Third

party PreferenceBundles that come from AppStore can be only used as configuration of their

corresponding Apps, they don’t provide any actual functions, there’s no need to locate them.

PreferenceBundles from Cydia are also not problems because the solution was already

introduced in “locate by Cydia”. However, when it comes to the iOS stock PreferenceBundles,

the process of locating their binaries is a bit complicated.

The UI of a PreferenceBundle can be written programmatically or be constructed from a

plist file with a fixed format (You can refer to for the format). When we try

to reverse engineer a PreferenceBundle, if all control object types in the PreferenceBundle UI

come from preferences specifier plist, such as the “About” view shown in figure 5-11, we should

pay attention to distinguish whether it is written programmatically or constructed from plist.

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